Friday, January 18, 2013

Sweet Pea and Artichoke Lasagna

I had made those raw veggie collard wraps for lunch on Wednesday, but for dinner that evening, Brendan made a request for a specific lasagna recipe he found.

He subscribes to the email list, and they published an email with five twists on lasagna- this is actually the second I've done from that list so far. I followed the recipe almost exactly as it is on their website and it came out beautifully. I won't transcribe it here, but you can go to and grab the recipe yourself:

Sweet Pea and Artichoke Lasagna [via Epicurious]

I did learn a couple of important lessons about artichokes. Never having worked with whole artichokes before, I didn't realize how little of the innards are actually the "heart" part. I also didn't plan enough time in advance to blanch them, so I was only able to use about half the available tender stuff in order to get it done in time.

This is a deceptively rich food for something that's both vegetarian and bright green in color. It not only calls for non-whole-wheat noodles, but also 4 lbs of cheese, heavy cream, and eggs. It's really tasty, just be careful not to OD on the stuff in one sitting.

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